Thursday, December 8, 2011

4 Months

Jackson Paul 
December 8, 2011
4 Months Old

Weight: 14lbs 11oz--50%
Height: 25.5in--75%
Head: 17inches
Nursing: Every 3 hours (5a, 830a, 11-12a, 230p, 530p, 8p)
*We decided not to start any food/rice cereal this month after talking with Dr. R your growing and thriving just as you are, so we'll re-evaluate at 6months unless something changes! :)
Sleeping: 8-830p-6a (with one feeding in there at 5-530a)
* You put yourself to sleep almost like clock work at 830p every night. 
Naps: 2 Cat Naps (930-11a & 7-730p) & One long nap 230p-430p
Clothes: 6-9mths
Shoes: Size 3
Diapers: Size 2
*Still have those BIG BLUE eyes!!
*No teeth yet, but we have the drooling down.
*Thumb sucker, but occasionally will take the paci
*About to roll over back to tummy
*Finally enjoying tummy time a little more
*First laugh
*L.O.V.E to talk and to be talked to
*Follow objects really well
*Reaching for things.. like Mom's hair-- Ouch!
*High chair leaning back is your favorite place to hang out 
*Love standing and sitting up
*Love to be held, especially facing outward
*Quite the drooler these days
*Very strong in your arms and legs 
*Still love your bath time
*First time in the jump a roo & exersaucer--both of which you didn't love but you didn't hate... I think your just not sure what to do yet. 
*First night away from Mom & Dad 
(You stayed with Grandpa & Grandma Weathers overnight at their house while Mom & Dad went on a date, you did AWESOME-- much better than your Momma :)) 

Our precious child, how quickly 4 months has passed us by already (I say this every month, but it's the truth). You have become such a handsome baby, sadly not a newborn anymore.  You look more grown up everyday and your learning things so fast!! 

You are our BIG boy, literally, and we are so thankful that you are healthy & happy! You are one of the happiest, sweetest babies (like your brother) that we know! I love your rolls, they are everywhere and your sweet bubbly cheeks-- so kissable! And your bald head, oh sweet boy, how adorable you are! How blessed we are to get to see your joyful, smiling face everyday! Your smile lights up your whole face and I just love that about you! Your flexible and laid back, which helps your Momma more than you know! Your my little snuggler and sidekick. You have become quite fond of your brother this month and just want to know & be wherever he is.  (Probably so he doesn't sneak up and attack you when Mom's not looking, I don't blame you.)  I can see such a sweet and loving spirit in you! 

Your holding your head up SO good!!! Especially when there is a book in front of you!
Such a big boy!

Your brother just adores you!! He loves to do whatever you are, hence the playmat your laying on-- he had to be right next to you and loves to read to you (aka tell you whats on all the pages)

You are our BIG talker as well, I should say more of a squealer.  So high pitched, but adorable! Love how you talk to us all the time and your laugh, oh my, I could listen to it ALL day! You get so tickled at the silliest things, especially your Daddy! 

Just had to put this picture in here. 
Just a sweet reminder of how precious life is and to enjoy every moment with our kids, even the frustrating ones. 
In this picture Logan found Jackson's noise maker/night light machine. He had hit the sound button and it was playing Rock-a-bye-baby and he was JAMMIN.  He thought that was the coolest song on earth in that moment. I mean full out dancing while I was trying to take pictures of Jackson. It was completely distracting for Jackson and I found myself getting frustrated, because all I wanted was a good picture of Jackson, Right then I stopped and to decided to take a picture of the scene. I just couldn't help but laugh and think how blessed we are and that I need to enjoy the simple things in life-- whether it goes the way I planned it or not. So what did we do after this picture--- DANCE PARTY--to rock a bye baby... you better believe it. No worries we added Christmas music after that.. but it was fun! :)

The Lord has truly flooded my heart with LOVE and JOY for Him through you, your brother, and your Dad. What a gift you are to us, a precious addition and I pray that our lives are a reflection of the Lords and we can be an example of what living a godly, servant life looks like. Your precious sweet boy and we love you SO much! 

Mom & Dad

1 comment:

  1. So sweet, Mariann. Both your boys are sooooo cute. I'm partial to bald heads...Jackson sure has a cute one :)
