Thursday, June 16, 2011

21 Months & First Day of School!

June 16, 2011 

Wow.... Not sure where to begin.  Today was our baby's first day of school.. ok really it was Mother's Day Out... but, I am considering it his first day of school! In 21 months the only place Logan has been left is our church nursery for MOPS and church.  Which in total time = about 3 hours max. 
Today we woke up, ate breakfast, watched our 30 min. show (Cat in the Hat this morning), watered the veggies & plants, got dressed, packed lunch for school and then headed out! He went from 9:30-2 today and it was pretty much AWESOME for both of us! The beginning was a little rough for both of us, but when I picked him up and he didn't want to leave but kept shouting "Mommy look!" trying to show me all the new toys he got to play with and then pointing to all his new friends my heart melted and I KNEW he had a blast!
Also, he really did have 4 friends that he is familiar with in his class-- PTL! I was unaware that they had a nap time in which they usually sleep on mats (sorry when I laugh at this... my son, sit still on a mat for more than 5 seconds?? sorry teachers this one just won't happen) starting at 11:35.... yeah, I apologize to those sweet, sweet teachers who have Logan, but I am lucky most days if I get him down for a nap at 2.  They said that they put him in a pack n play and he cried--only because he didn't understand what people were doing laying down at 11:35.   I felt terrible for not asking more questions about schedule so I could tell them, but they said he handled it fine and just hung out for that time period.  
I on the other hand from 10-12, got groceries and actually had a list and didn't veer from it because my brain was fully functioning and not multi-tasking, went home cleaned out refrigerator, put away groceries, made dinner list for the next week, mopped my floors, wiped my counters, put away laundry, finished dishes, and tidied up the house.  Talk about feeling of accomplishment-- normally all that (to be done completely and well) would have taken me 2 days! I even got to have lunch with one of the sweetest,  most loving ladies I know Ms. Linda. I can't tell you the last time I sat down for a lunch and had such a wonderful spiritually encouraging conversation like that! So thank you Lord for MDO! We will be coming back! :) 

In other news... 
Our sweet boy turned 21 Months today!! 
Boy is this boy growing!! 
Words are just pouring out of his mouth, he is full of curiosity and exploring, and just so fun!!! 

Weight: 29lbs
Length: 33in
Clothes: 2t-3t
Shoes: 8-8.5
Diapers: 4
Naps: 1 nap-- 2-4hrs 
Sleeping: 8pm-730a 
Favorite Foods: Fish sticks, Mac n' Cheese (only the shapes kind), yogurt, bagels (cinnamon raisin = favorite), raisins, blueberries, fruit snacks, Popsicle, sweet potatoes

New Activities: Brushing our teeth & spitting, 
*Taking off clothes,
*Tells us when he is "dirty diappy", 
*Counting to 3 & jumping (usually into a pool),
 *Trying to skip, transferring water from one cup to another,
*Went to his first t-ball game to watch one of JD's coworkers little boys play in the all state tourny
*First time to go to VBS--I helped teach his class.
*First case of pink eye 

Words: Boat, Plane, Dirty, Clean, Shoo Fly, Juice, Berries, One of his cutest sayings "Da Da Bye" --- we think he gets the D's and B's confused on Bye Bye Daddy, Love you, Hey 

Working on:  Knowing our name & age, colors, numbers, and manners, Getting rid of paci, moving to big boy bed, and continually working on the potty. 

Ready to go!! 

We love you Bug! 

Much love, 
Mom & Dad

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word. Those pictures of Logan are the cutest, EVER!!! He's adorable. I'm jealous of MDO during the summer. I should have considered getting Hannah in for the summer. It's amazing what you can get done, huh!?
