Monday, June 20, 2011

New Happenings & 32 Weeks


This Wed. I will 32 weeks along in my pregnancy! Wahoo! 
We had an ultrasound today to see our little guy and check on some fluid levels and such! Unfortunately JD was not able to come with me this morning, but I did send him the pictures of our little guy! We hadn't seen him since our 20 week appt-- so much changes from those 2 appts! Jackson didn't want to show his face very much though he was nice and tight up against me and loved putting his little hands in front of his face! Everything looked great though, we have an appt next Monday so we'll find out more details then! :) Heartbeat was 128; little low for him.. normally runs in the 130-140's but he must have just been relaxed!
He was moving and active-- showed his Momma what a big boy he is at breathing and kicking (although I already knew that.) His little face reminds me of Logan's ultrasound! I can't wait to meet this guy!  

Well along with getting to see our sweet baby boy or sweet BIG boy has had a lot of changes recently! His Momma was a little bit emotional about all these changes! After dropping him off for MDO for the first time I also spent the night away from my boys for the first time Friday night! I had an absolute blast at our Steering Retreat for MOPS, but my heart was a little heavy that I didn't get to kiss my boys goodnight! 
Little did I know though that Logan's Daddy decided it was time he was in a big boy bed as well.  Although I am grateful (he was trying to do me a favor and not put me through the first night), I was sad when I came home to find my little man not in a crib anymore and the crib moved and a big boy bed on his floor.  JD is in the process of building bunk beds for the boys, so that will be his new bed soon, but for now the mattress will do! 
Logan is SO excited about his big boy bed.  I really never thought it would happen, but he goes to sleep at night-- ALL night on it and never moves from it and then takes his naps (all 3-4 hours) on it as well. I thought for sure we would be in there sleeping with him or he would be opening his door and coming into our room.  Maybe I don't give my son enough credit-- he is more mature than I thought! All I can say is his Mom & Dad are VERY PROUD of him!! 

First nap in his big boy bed. We did go buy him some "boy" sheets-- JD thought these were a little girly and I'm making some covers for pillows to decorate it a little more. He loves it though! Praise the Lord! Also Praise the Lord that I have such a wonderful husband who took on a huge task of moving his son to a big boy bed so this Momma didn't have to worry about it.  We also got a huge start on Jackson's Room & updating Logan's room to a more toddler friendly one! 

Much love, 
The Weathers


  1. I can't believe Jackson is almost here! 2 more months?? That is awesome. The pictures are precious. As for Logan, I got a little teary reading that. Where did our babies go?

  2. That is crazy to me that you are already 32 weeks! Glad everything is going great. Cute little pictures!! Is that umbilical cord/placenta to the right of his face?? I was trying to figure it out and that's all I could decide it must be. That is awesome Logan is doing so well with his transition. I am nervous about those exact same things!! I think mattress on the floor is the perfect transition so he doesn't fall and I hear bunk beds are great for climbing ;) so you will probably be glad you just switched to the mattress for now. I can't wait to see pictures of Jackson's room! I'm surprised you aren't leaving the nursery "as is" for Jackson and doing a new "big boy" room for Logan. Just less work... haha :)
