Monday, November 12, 2012

Jackson Paul 15 Months

Jackson Paul Weathers
November 8, 2012
15 Months 

This has been a trying month for our little man, sickness and teething have taken over and it has just been a rough one for him! Thankfully it seems we are getting to the upside of that phase and looking forward to getting some pain relief and sickness relief! Regardless of all those trials you are still growing up and FAST!! You get more handsome by the day and your SWEET personality continues to keep us all on our toes and smiling! 

At 15 months: 
Weight: 22.4lbs-- 44%tile (WAHOO!!!)
Length: 30inches-- 44% 
Head: 19.5-- 94% WOW
Shoes: Size 4-5
Clothes: 12-18months
Diapers: Size 3
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde 
Teeth: 11-- you have been pushing teeth in like CRAZY!! You have 3 more coming in now!!
Eat: 3 meals a day; 2 snacks
You continue to be a FANTASTIC eater! You LOVE everything!!
You are a major breakfast eater!  
You did have your first juice this month-- actually this past weekend
Sleeping: 730-8pm (time change did a number on us)-7am
Naps: 2 (morning if we are home) and 2-4pm

You are starting that independent stage; walk by yourself, do by yourself, feed yourself, no snuggling :( 
You had your first real sickness this month too, pink eye both eyes, upper respiratory infection and a double ear infection! OUCH!!! You really handled it like a champ though!! 
You are monkey-see monkey-do right now with your big brother! He loves to teach and show you things and you love to follow in his footsteps! He is a wonderful big brother to you and trys very hard to set a good example for you!
You follow instructions and directions SO well! 
Your words are few and far between right now, but you love to point and show us what you are talking about!You also have a very eager older brother who likes to answer for you as well! :) 
Your first phrase: Oh, Toodles!! got it on video.. sooo cute! 
Words: Mama, Dada, Oooh, Go, Stop.
You have a little temper that comes out every so often.. and you have already got some tantrums brewin. These are few and far between, but I have no idea where you would have gotten that from ;) 
You love slap stick humor and your brother and Daddy are the best at getting you rolling. 
When you hear music, it's like your body just knows to dance. ;)
You have the most precious expressions.

I LOVE this picture of you sweet boy! 
On your own exploring what's around you and all with a grin on your face! You are so joyful and a very happy go lucky baby! We are blessed with such a gift as you Jackson Paul! Never a dull moment in our lives and we couldn't imagine it any other way! 

We love you J-man! 

Our prayer for you Jackson Paul (and for your brother) is that you being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how WIDE and LONG and HIGH and DEEP the love of Christ is for you!!! That you would know this love that surpasses ALL knowledge-- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:17b-19)

Much love, 

Mom, Dad, & Logan

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