Thursday, June 20, 2013


I had never heard of "the haze" until last week before it happened. 
It is AWFUL!!
PSI (Pollution Standards Idex) started out in the 90's and made it's way in the past 4 days into the 400's. According to the locals this is the worst haze they have ever had. 

PSI ValueAir Quality Descriptor
0 - 50Good
51 - 100Moderate
101 - 200Unhealthy
201 - 300Very unhealthy
Above 300Hazardous
The haze comes in from Sumatra, Indonesia. Every year around this time they burn forest and depending on which way the winds blow depends on how bad the haze is. This year the fires got out of control and it was said to be due to Singaporean businesses starting them. Not sure if that was ever confirmed, regardless it was a horrible week and sad because Singapore is so beautiful and the haze really polluted it. 

This is what it looked like the first day. Really not too bad. 
PSI: 100's 

We certainly did not go out much. 
It was an inside, struggle to find activities, puzzle, movie, book reading. coloring type of days. 
Logan had developed a cough a few days before the haze and it definitely made it worse. 

2nd day-- in the 200's PSI

We did some window coloring. 
Window crayons... AWESOME. 

3rd day: PSI 300's reaching upper 300's by mid morning. 
could hardly see the Reflections condos. 

Everyone was advised to get N92 masks and where them everywhere especially elderly and children. 

We practiced our letters. 
This child LOVES to learn. It blows me away! 

Wanting to be like big brother. 

Learned to write his name. 

Us on our morning grocery run. 
Can't live without food, unfortunately. 

Big boy, did so good wearing his mask. 
Can't say that about the other one.. but thankful for the good example! 

Going out to dinner that night. 
We tried really hard to stay indoors and underground as much as possible. 

Mr. Chris and Logan working on his acrobatic skills after dinner on the MRT. 

Jackson showing off as well! 

Finally on the 5th day we had PSI of 90... guess where we went! 
ABSOLUTELY the pool!!! 

Thankful for a lift in the haze though. 

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