Thursday, June 6, 2013

Vacation Bible School 2013

When we first moved to Singapore we immediately started attending International Baptist Church. 
JD had come a few times before the boys and I got here and really made a connection and when we came we also made a connection. 
One of the first things I noticed when we attended the church was the sign for VBS next to the nursery. 
I was immediately drawn to it and inquired a little more about it seeing what age they let kids come and to see if they maybe needed help. 
When I inquired about it I met the Director of the VBS and she let me know they needed some Bible Teachers and a Storyteller. She asked if I would be interested in any of those and I said, "I am willing to serve anywhere." Little did I know how much those words were going to impact my life this week. 
The Director explained that they really needed another storyteller, I thought about it and I mean I tell stories to the boys all the time we LOVE books! 
So I signed up. 
Note to self: Ask more questions. 
Director about 2 weeks later asked if I was ready and I said sure and we started talking more in detail about what my exact role would be. I truly thought that I would be going to the classrooms or the kids would be coming to me in small groups where I would get to share God's Word with them and I was so excited. Then the facts came... this is what I heard #1 250-300 kids (at one time)... #2 Auditorium... #3 Microphone 
In the past couple years the Lord has really stretched me in the leadership area and being able to speak to groups. 
I was terrified. 

As I began going to the VBS preparation days and getting the material I started understanding why God had me in this place. First being the VBS material was on 2 Timothy 1:7 (All my MOPS ladies, I had no idea this verse would impact my life as much as it has) "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity (fearfulness), but one of power, love, and sound judgment."
It's all about FEAR and conquering that FEAR. 

As much as I pray I have been a blessing to these kids, these kids have already blessed me far and beyond!  These kids have BLOWN ME AWAY. This opportunity has blown me away. 

The first day was hard, didn't think I could do it still and then the Lord continued to bring people to encourage, kids faces to encourage, scripture to encourage, and faith to come back the next day. 
JD asked me when I got home how it went and I told him I am not meant for improv and I don't think the kids speak English because the looks on their faces were expressionless. I was defeated, I thought for sure the Lord brought me here and this is how it turns out.... Well...

Tomorrow is our last day of VBS here, since that first day I have gotten to talk with 8 children between the ages of 7-10 about the Lord. 5 out of those 8 accepted Christ. The other 3 either were so eager and had SO many questions but weren't sure or they were already saved and had questions and wanted to pray over them.  Listening to those kids give their hearts to Jesus, listening to their faith stories and getting to pray over them and the JOY written all across their faces. PRICELESS. We even were able to give some Bibles to take home that didn't have one and walk them through it. 
On Wednesday we presented the Gospel during story time and 18 children came to accept the Lord as their Savior. 87 children were interested in Baptism and we saw 24+ more children today. 
I do not have the #'s from today, but let me tell you the Lord is moving in this place. 

From that first day when fear and doubt filled me to today where I get up there look at those kids and the Lord leads it. I am changed because of it. 

Now... this does not mean I am becoming a public speaker or have any desire to do any public speaking. 
I have learned I do not have the gift of public speaking.  However, if the Lord shoves me into this position again I will stand strong and trust Him, but maybe he will stretch me in some other ways... :) Dare I say that... 

So I had to share a picture and video. The video is short, but shows how AWESOME this group is! 

Please pray for tomorrow. 
Please pray for the teachers, counselors, and children.
A number of these children have never been to church before, or do not go to church, or they came with a friend, or their parents work and it is an easy, safe, inexpensive way to have care for their child. I know the Lord specifically picked out each child here. 

Sidenote: The boys come with me to VBS everyday but they are in the nursery because of their age, but let me tell you they have LOVED it. Both the boys and I have developed some awesome relationships that I am so excited about it from this as well! The boys are so happy and excited and don't want to leave when I pick them up and that puts JOY in this Momma's heart! :) 

Much love!

1 comment:

  1. What an AMAZINGLY Beautiful experience!!! Thank you for being willing to serve in whatever capacity. You are bold and very brave. I am so proud of you! We love you!
