Tuesday, December 21, 2010

15 Months

15 Month's have gone by and our little baby is becoming a "Big Boy" more and more everyday!
I L.O.V.E watching this boy grow!  

Weight: 23.8lbs, which is in the 37%tile
Height: 32 inches in the 78%tile
Head circumference: 49 inches in the 78%tile
Sleeps: 730p-7a
Naps: 1 time for anywhere from 45min.-4 hrs. 
Eats: 3 meals a day plus 2 snacks
Favorite foods: peanut butter crackers, pbj, cheese crackers, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets (with dipping sauce.... he is REAL big into the dipping thing right now), green beans, corn, squash & zucchinni
Dislikes: carrots, peas, pretty much all other veggies, any other meats besides chicken
Clothes: 18mths-2T 
Shoes: 6-7
Diapers: Size 4
4 teeth on the bottom & 4 on top
*LOVES reading books.... recently we came home from a trip and he went straight to his bookshelf when he got home and looked at books for an hour! 
* 100% all boy... if you can build it, destroy it, make it a sword... this boy is ALL about it. 
*He is so curious and loves to explore everything.
(JD recently taught him sword fighting (with plastic golf clubs).. we have had to eliminate this play due to using them on friends)
*Points at everything and asks "That?" 
*Logan has the sweetest personality, he loves to be loved on, hugged, kissed, and smile all day long!
*Starting to say lots of words: 
-Mama- "Baba"
-"hey dad"
-kitty: "itty"
-please: "easssss" along with the sign
-Pow: when he falls down on destroys something
-Ohhhhh: when something falls or he throws something off his tray 
-Brrrrrmmmm: every car, truck, boat, plane he sees 
-Roar: Lion
I'm sure there are others, just can't think of them at this moment.

*Has started understanding prayer-- when we eat meals and before bed we'll say let's pray and he grabs our hands and bows his head.--Precious!
*Loves music and dancing (he has his parent's dance moves :)) 
*Knows a lot of body parts and freely shows you if you ask him. Some he knows in English and Spanish, thanks to Uncle Jay! 
*Loves Mickey Mouse and will sing the Hot Dog song if you mention Mickey Mouse
*Is wonderful at following commands!! 
*Interested in helping Mom anytime he can, mopping, dusting, vacuuming, wiping things down, putting things away....
*Loves his Daddy more than anyone... he does a little happy dance (yes, our child has happy feet) when he sees him.

Most of all we have just enjoyed watching his personality and character grow through the past few months! I can only imagine how much more we have to look forward to! We are blessed beyond anything could have imagined! I'm holding on to the fact that he is still a Momma's boy most of the time right now, but I see that Daddy's boy coming out more and more each day! :) 

We love you so much, Logan James!

Mom & Dad

Thursday, December 16, 2010


This past year we did not do sitting on Santa's lap. Logan was only 3 months old  and I was scared about the flu going around so we didn't get out much.  But, this year we decided we needed to do it at least once.  He wasn't liking Santa too much at the beginning, but after Santa offered up the candy cane, he was in business with this little man.  He knows the way to this boys heart.... food! (junk food) If your wondering if we let him eat his candy.. not this time. 

I have to say it's so funny to look back now to when you were a kid.  I don't know about everyone else, but I L.O.V.E.D waking up at the crack of dawn and running into my parents room and getting them up and then running to the tree to see what Santa had brought me. I am looking forward to this Christmas because I think Logan will actually GET it little bit.  I have been showing him my nativity scene (that may be his Christmas present this year) and telling him about Jesus.  

May you all have a blessed Christmas season!
Remember HE is the REASON for the this SEASON! 

Praising Him, 

Monday, December 6, 2010


Lately, we have been decorating for Christmas, attending Christmas parties, and just spending time as a family! This last week after we ate lunch, I put Logan down and let him do his thing while I cleaned up the dishes. I turned around to check on him and I could hear him, but I couldn't see him. So I followed his voice around to the dogs cage and here he was...he had opened the dog cage door then shut it and laid in between Maya & Coby with his arms stretched onto both of them.  HILARIOUS.  Unfortunately I didn't catch the picture.. but I did get one while he was still in the cage. 

Last week we also got a package... I say "we" really it was for Logan, but we enjoyed it too! My Aunt Lynne sent him some festive Christmas time pj's.  He would make a cute elf... don't you think!?

He was even acting silly like an elf! 

I LOVE this time of year! Looking forward to taking LOTS of pictures, reading/seeing precious Christmas cards and just enjoying the celebration of our Savior! 

Much love, 

Monday, November 29, 2010


Grandmomma and Logan playing angry birds.

When you graduate from Arkansas they engrave your name into the senior walk. Catie and I found ours this year.

Well, they may not use any of these, but I loved taking them! Wish we would have caught the fall season though!


As I said before, Thanksgiving was spent in the Bulger household.  Always such a wonderful time of family & good food!

Muscle man & Great Grandpa Bulger

Good Morning on Thanksgiving... watching the Macy's Day parade in our Cars pjs

Daddy & Logan eating thanksgiving dinner.

The Feast... actually only the desserts.

I think he likes cornbread... :)

"I'm stuffed."

The Bulgers
Catie, Jay, Dad, Logan, Mom, Mar, & JD

After feasting... Naptime/Football

And for some of us... Wall-E

My cousin Elliot hunts gators in FL and this year he decided to share with the family. They fried up some good gator, Logan loved it too.  Have to say not bad!

Morning after Mickey Mouse Clubhouse...

and buliding forts...

also, FINALLY a beautiful day, so outside to play with Grandpa.

We also spent time trying on Aunt Teresa's boots...

Grandmomma helped though...

Then it was naptime with Grandpa...

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We finished our Thanksgiving with a HOG WIN against LSU and visiting Grandma & Grandpa Weathers. We have so much to be thankful for! Thank you Lord for your provision and for our wonderful families who we love SO much!

Now to get our house in the Christmas spirit! :)

Much love!

1st Day of Vaca & Engagements- Take One

Went spent Thanksgiving this year at my parents house in Arkansas.  Every year we have the Bulger Family Reunion on Thanksgiving Day there, always a blast! Even more fun for Logan is that he is the only Great-grandchild on both sides of the family.... aka SpOiLeD!!

Having fun at Grandmomma & Grandpa's House.

Dont you just LOVE the turkey shirt... again my friend Kathryn.  Such a talented young lady!

Notice the police care.  Uncle Jay's mom bought that for Logan... absolutely LOVES that police truck.

Uncle Jay teaching Logan how to play angry birds... oh my..

Tia Catie and Lo-man playing outside.

We love our Tia Catie...

Engagement pictures/Save the Date attempt... take one....


Can you tell how excited Jay was about taking this picture compared to Cate

All-time favorite...

Logan felt a little left out...

Our first few days on vacations were filled with cooking, watching our tv shows, mickey mouse clubhouse, words with friends, and picture taking....

and it continues...