Tuesday, December 21, 2010

15 Months

15 Month's have gone by and our little baby is becoming a "Big Boy" more and more everyday!
I L.O.V.E watching this boy grow!  

Weight: 23.8lbs, which is in the 37%tile
Height: 32 inches in the 78%tile
Head circumference: 49 inches in the 78%tile
Sleeps: 730p-7a
Naps: 1 time for anywhere from 45min.-4 hrs. 
Eats: 3 meals a day plus 2 snacks
Favorite foods: peanut butter crackers, pbj, cheese crackers, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets (with dipping sauce.... he is REAL big into the dipping thing right now), green beans, corn, squash & zucchinni
Dislikes: carrots, peas, pretty much all other veggies, any other meats besides chicken
Clothes: 18mths-2T 
Shoes: 6-7
Diapers: Size 4
4 teeth on the bottom & 4 on top
*LOVES reading books.... recently we came home from a trip and he went straight to his bookshelf when he got home and looked at books for an hour! 
* 100% all boy... if you can build it, destroy it, make it a sword... this boy is ALL about it. 
*He is so curious and loves to explore everything.
(JD recently taught him sword fighting (with plastic golf clubs).. we have had to eliminate this play due to using them on friends)
*Points at everything and asks "That?" 
*Logan has the sweetest personality, he loves to be loved on, hugged, kissed, and smile all day long!
*Starting to say lots of words: 
-Mama- "Baba"
-"hey dad"
-kitty: "itty"
-please: "easssss" along with the sign
-Pow: when he falls down on destroys something
-Ohhhhh: when something falls or he throws something off his tray 
-Brrrrrmmmm: every car, truck, boat, plane he sees 
-Roar: Lion
I'm sure there are others, just can't think of them at this moment.

*Has started understanding prayer-- when we eat meals and before bed we'll say let's pray and he grabs our hands and bows his head.--Precious!
*Loves music and dancing (he has his parent's dance moves :)) 
*Knows a lot of body parts and freely shows you if you ask him. Some he knows in English and Spanish, thanks to Uncle Jay! 
*Loves Mickey Mouse and will sing the Hot Dog song if you mention Mickey Mouse
*Is wonderful at following commands!! 
*Interested in helping Mom anytime he can, mopping, dusting, vacuuming, wiping things down, putting things away....
*Loves his Daddy more than anyone... he does a little happy dance (yes, our child has happy feet) when he sees him.

Most of all we have just enjoyed watching his personality and character grow through the past few months! I can only imagine how much more we have to look forward to! We are blessed beyond anything could have imagined! I'm holding on to the fact that he is still a Momma's boy most of the time right now, but I see that Daddy's boy coming out more and more each day! :) 

We love you so much, Logan James!

Mom & Dad

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