Friday, January 7, 2011

Merry Christmas (in Rewind)

Here in the Weathers Household we had a FABULOUS Christmas! Praise the Lord! We had a few bumps in the road, stomach virus x 3, first ear infection, and cold, but it was the first year we have woken up in our house Christmas morning! All of JD's family came in to stay with us as well and it was a wonderful time! We spent all Christmas day watching movies, eating, and pretty much doing nothing but spending good quality time together.  
We fried a turkey, baked a ham, and even made two versions of brisket. I was determined to try my Pioneer Woman brisket before the Christmas festivities were over and JD makes a wonderful brisket as well.  Needless to say we had LOTS of leftovers....LOTS!! But, it was all delicious! We even got to read Logan the Christmas story this year and that was truly wonderful! He is such a focused child when it comes to books and reading and he just ate it up! 

Our little hunter....eating his breakfast on the move.

Logan enjoying his apple with GrandmaWeathers.  We figured out that he LOVES eating apples if you just peel the apple and let him munch on it.  

This is pretty much how we spent Christmas day all piled up on the couch. 

The boys Christmas morning in their matching Santa cute!!

Logan being so sweet to his cousin Mark helping him stand. 

We were also not so nice to cousin Mark, Logan just wanted him for Christmas I guess. 

JD frying the turkey. He did such a wonderful job!! 

Logan was especially good this year at opening presents.  He LOVED it!

One of his favorite gifts this year! 

The boys again..

I can't remember why they both laid down..

Logan with all the Christmas presents.  None of us were spoiled at all...

Riding Dino together.

After Christmas.... W.O.W.

I will say I am SUPER excited about my BIG gift this year! I did not get a picture of it but, will have to take some later of my new setup! All our families pitched in and bought me a sewing embroidery machine! I was so excited! I cannot wait to start using it! I have lots of projects I want to take on, so all I need to do is start some classes on how to use it! 

It was a wonderful day celebrating family and our Lord Jesus (the reason for the season)! 
We are so thankful for every blessing he has bestowed upon us and we pray we never take those for granted or forget to praise Him for those! 

Merry Christmas to all... and to all a good night! 

1 comment:

  1. What a great Christmas!! Love the boys in their outfits! It looks like Logan likes to "bop" on the head like Ryan does. haha. I think it's a boy thing! I'm repeatedly hearing about pioneer woman. (like I think 5 times this month alone) I really need to look into that... I can't believe how both Logan and Mark have grown!
