Saturday, January 15, 2011


This past week we got the opportunity to travel with Daddy to Houston!! 
It's always a blessing to get to do that, no staying at the house at night by ourselves, going fun new places, and getting to eat out! :) 
This trip we def. kept ourselves busy!! The first night we were there we went to dinner with Daddy & his coworkers.  Now, if you would have asked me what I thought, oh about a year ago, about a parent giving a child an iphone to play with at the dinner table.  My response would have probably been, "I will NEVER do that with my child." Well folks I have done a complete 180 and it is def. socially acceptable at this time or at least that was what I was telling myself at dinner that night! 
Logan behaved SO well, yes it was due to the entertainment of the iphone; until it died.  But, nonetheless it was a miracle worker! 

The next day Logan and I, while Daddy was at work headed out to the Houston Aquarium. 
Talk about a fun morning! 

Logan and I at the beginning of the aquarium. 

It was so funny because the aquarium had animal noises being played over the speakers while you walked through and it scared Logan so much he didn't really want to get out of the stroller. Which let me tell you a unusual for these days! He loved the fish though and it's really one of only a few words he says right now. So he loved pointing at all of them and saying "ish ish."

We saw some pirahanas. 

Logan finally got out of the stroller and would walk around when he saw the aquarium that went about us. 

And one of his favorites... yes in an aquarium was this gigantic snake... ehhhh...

One of the greatest things we got to do that morning was go through and touch different sea creatures! Logan petted a stingray, horseshoe crab, and starfish! He thought it was the COOLEST thing! Honestly, I thought it was the coolest thing too!! I thought he would be scared but the stingrays would come along the side of the tank and let you touch them! 

Yes, another odd thing in this aquarium. A white tiger... 

Logan looking like he is reading about coral reefs! :) 

I wish I could blow this picture up... he was NOT a happy camper standing next to the shark.  I mean he is a little creepy looking, but Logan has the biggest pouty face on EVER!

No more shark and were happy!! 

To say the least when the weather gets nicer and we make another Houston trip with Daddy we will do the whole aquarium.  Most of the stuff is outside and they even have a train ride that I KNOW Logan would absolutely  love! 

We also had the opportunity to meet up with my Uncle Joe for dinner that night at Carraba's.  It was heavenly, I think I devoured 2 loafs of bread on my own! Such a wonderful time to catch up with him and see family! Glad we got to do it! 

The next day we had to check out of the hotel by noon so we planned on doing the Galleria in the morning and then meeting my Aunt Lynne for lunch! It worked out SO perfect! 

The Galleria had a wonderful play area that seemed for the most part VERY clean! It also had LOTS of cars so of course we were into it! 

It was a very FUN morning, Mom got to look at some shops, return some things and Logan go to run around! I could call it a success! We met my Aunt for lunch at Cafe Express, it was very good!! It was nice getting to see her and catch up with her! Hopefully next time we will have longer! :) 

Logan helping Mom take the things to the car!! Such a big helper!!:) 

Well, it was a great fast trip to say the least. We came home to colds, our car broken into, and an allergic reaction we are still trying to figure out! But, were glad to be home regardless! :) Thank you Lord for a safe trip home!! 

Much love,

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