Thursday, December 16, 2010


This past year we did not do sitting on Santa's lap. Logan was only 3 months old  and I was scared about the flu going around so we didn't get out much.  But, this year we decided we needed to do it at least once.  He wasn't liking Santa too much at the beginning, but after Santa offered up the candy cane, he was in business with this little man.  He knows the way to this boys heart.... food! (junk food) If your wondering if we let him eat his candy.. not this time. 

I have to say it's so funny to look back now to when you were a kid.  I don't know about everyone else, but I L.O.V.E.D waking up at the crack of dawn and running into my parents room and getting them up and then running to the tree to see what Santa had brought me. I am looking forward to this Christmas because I think Logan will actually GET it little bit.  I have been showing him my nativity scene (that may be his Christmas present this year) and telling him about Jesus.  

May you all have a blessed Christmas season!
Remember HE is the REASON for the this SEASON! 

Praising Him, 

1 comment:

  1. So cute! We plan to take Ryan Sunday. I think he will likely scream, but should be funny ;) Stay tuned for pictures!!
