Wednesday, October 20, 2010

13 Months

October 16, 2010
13 Months

At 13 Months you are:

*in 12-18 months clothes
*in size 6-7 shoes (dear Lord)
*napping 1 time a day ranging from 45min-3hrs
*sleeping 7:45p-7a
*bedtime routine: bath, lotion, milk, book, bed
*sleeping with monkey, it's a lifesaver when you have a sitter
*paci only at nap and nighttime
*3 meals a day and 2 snacks
*Favorites: fruits, cheese, peanut butter, squash and zucchinni-snacks grahams
*attempting to feed yourself with utensils--SO MESSY
*you are such an explorer, curious about everything
*you point and say "That?" to everything
*"kitty" for Callee
*"ssseee" = please
*"ank u" = thank you (rare)
*you do a happy dance when something is exciting
*love other kiddos
*love to be outdoors
*love looking at books and turning pages (Daddy & I think you are going to love to read)
*Understands words such as, please, thank you, touchdown, be sweet (kisses), bye-bye, hi (he is def. raised in East Texas, oh my... it's more like hiiiiiiiii), come here, put away, put down, stop, go and no touch.
*you have become quite the little climber these days. Climbing on EVERYTHING!

As you get older the joy we have in raising you just becomes so much greater! You are a blessing-- sweet, sweet, wonderful blessing and we are so thankful for you! Our continued prayer is that you will become strong and confident knowing you are wonderfully made! We love you Logan James!
Mom & Dad

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