Sunday, October 14, 2012


Jackson Paul Weathers 
14 Months
October 8, 2012

Weight: 19.8lbs 
Height: ?
Eyes: Blue 
Hair: Blonde
Diapers: Size 3
Clothes: 18months-24months; just purged your closet of 12 month clothes
Shoe: Size 5; just got your first pair of tennis shoes!
Sleep: 8pm-7am
Naps: 2-if were home; 930-11a; 2-430p
Teeth: 7; 3 more coming in

Our sweet boy, 
14 months snuck up on us, or maybe we were just hoping time would slow down and this month wouldn't zip here so soon! You are jabbering ALL the time! You have gotten to be much more social; in that you like going to Sunday School, MOPS, and any other time someone watches you! You are SO helpful, you love to pick up/clean up toys/clothes/pretty much anything lying around. Especially when you are done with something you are so very good about handing it to someone.  You continue to be our BIG eater, although your weight doesn't suggest it. You love pretty much anything-- even though at the end of this month you began to get 4 more teeth in which made you a little pickier than usual. Understandable though! You and your brother play together SO much more and friendlier! Sharing is becoming a popular and accepted word in the Weather's household these days as well as wrestling! Were so proud of you boys! 

You are Mr. Personality, you love to smile at people, wave, be shy, and squeal when you love something. You love walking around the house with your lovie/blanket/objects on your head... it's hilarious! You are still a huge fan of sleeping-- when it's time you have lovie, paci, and want milk as you wave bye bye and head for your room. 8 o'clock on the dot most nights if were home. You are SO sweet and give the most precious hugs and kisses, mostly reserved for yours truly and your Daddy-- which we cherish every one! You continue to be fearless in every way-- You have a go-getter attitude that keeps your Momma on edge! You are starting to feed yourself with utensils and do a very good job! When you run you love to get your left arm swinging back and forth. 

You are trying to say LOTS of words these days, only your Mom and Dad and sometimes brother can understand what you mean. Your favorite words, Mama, Daddy, Woof Woof, Choo-Choo (real softly), Yes, and No. You do have your moments of strong will and slight tantrums-- if told "no" you will stomp your feet really fast and throw your head back and whine... Oh dear! ;)
You still let us rock and sing you to sleep at night. It may not be for long, but another thing to treasure. You love to stick your tongue out. You love to point to things you see and jabber as if to say what you see. You love to be outside! 
You had your first allergic reaction and from there it became a dry spot that covered your eyes and nose. Poor sweet boy-- you were such a trooper. 

You LOVE to laugh, explore, wrestle and be outside! We are so thankful for you Jackson Paul! You are a gift! We continue to pray for the boy your are becoming and the man you we eventually be! May the Lord bless you sweet boy in everything you do! We LOVE YOU Pookie bear! 

Much love, 

Mom, Dad, & Logan

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