Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving with Grandma & Grandpa Weathers

We were SO blessed this Thanksgiving season to be able to take a FULL week off of everything and head to Arkansas to be with family! Our holiday routine usually leads us to just spending the holidays with one of our families, so this was a wonderful treat to be able to split the time and it be more than one day! 
Jackson, Ma-Bo, & Logan

We spent the first half of the week, Friday-Tuesday at JD's parents house or Grandma & Grandpa Weathers house. The kids L.O.V.E it out there, as well as the dogs! They have some land behind their house and they live in the country so we can run and play and let Logan run and play not having to worry about a street or cars! The only difference between Arkansas and Texas--- chilly weather! Not that we minded, just not used to it! 

Logan & Maya 

Little football

Logan & Grandpa playing one night. 

Grandma & Jackson hanging out with Ma-Bo

Jackson was having a staring contest with the puppy dog. 

Sweet, sweet boy! 

We also took advantage of having the Grandparents around and they kept the kids overnight while JD and I went shopping, out to dinner, and then got to stay at a hotel! First time in over 2 years we have done that. Best.Night.Sleep.Ever. I was worried about leaving Jackson since I'm nursing and he doesn't sleep through the night yet, but Grandma had control of the situation and put my mind right at ease! 
We are so thankful for that night out! 

Logan also got to enjoy some 4-wheeler riding on Grandpa's new ride! 
I think he was a fan. 

One evening we took the kids up to the square downtown where they have lights, music, pony rides, and camel rides?!?! 
Of course we had to do this!! 
Logan and I took the plunge! 
Our helmets were Santa hats.. 

I thought Logan would be really scared and not want to do it.. but he LOVED It! 
Logan and I riding the camel.. 

My handsome boy and I. 

Jackson & Logan with Grandma & Grandpa 

Grandpa, Grandma, Jackson, Logan, Me, & JD
All that was missing was the Murillo Family! 
We missed you guys!

Jackson loving his snuggle time. 

Our sweet little family of 4!

Like Father, like son. 

Logan can officially say, SOOOIE, GO HOGS!

Christmas card?!?!

Green Logan

Logan pointing at Grandma. 

We had so much fun spending this couple of days with the Weather's side! 
It all ends so quickly! 
Looking forward to Christmas and being together again though! 

We have so much to be thankful for and we praise the Lord for such a wonderful and supportive family! 
Much love, 
The Weathers

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