Wednesday, March 16, 2011

18 Months

Feels like just yesterday I was writing his 17 month update... now 18 MONTHS!! 

18 Months

*Weight: 26.1 lbs--55%
*Height: 35 inches --98%
*Clothes: 18-24 Months, 2T for pj's 
*Shoe Size: 7.5-8
*Diapers: Size 4
*12 teeth; waiting for those incisors to come in, but we got our first molars
*Eating: 3 Meals + 2 snacks; Feeds self everything
*Favorite Foods: Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Grill Cheese, Peanut Butter, Yogurt, Multi-Grain Cheerios, Fruit (Any)
*Sleeps: 7:45-8p--7-:730a
*Naps: 1 a day--2-3 hours
*Favorites this month: Coloring, Bubbles, Reading (as always), puzzles, blocks, going for walks, playgrounds, Being OUTSIDE, and music (dancing that is)!
*Words this month: 
-Papa (Grandpa Bulger)
-Excuse Me
-Thank you
-Yes ma'am-- done with head nod
-No sir
-uh oh
-Buckle Up
-Let's go (with hand motions)
-All Done
-Ni-Ni (night night)
-Bye bye
-Love you (Wuv uuuu)

*Not so good things we added this month: 
-Tantrums (laying down and hitting ourself and us--REALLY do not like this) 
-Testing his parents (started time-out)

Our little man continues to discover and use his curiosity to figure things out! What a personality he has already developed at 1 1/2, how the time flies! We love this boy more than words could express and are blessed to spend our days together! We are looking forward to the nice weather, picnics, parks, water, and just exploring life this summer! Little man is getting ready to start school once a week and I'm thrilled for him to make new friends and start learning! We are blessed to have such a fun-loving boy and are looking forward to all the "phases", milestones ahead! What a great big brother he is going to be, he will have so much to teach his little brother or sister! 

We love you Logan James, more than you will ever know sweet boy! 

Much love, 
Mom & Dad

First time in a big boy swing! 

1 comment:

  1. So precious! Sounds like a busy month! When throwing a tantrum Ryan will bang his head with his hands or bang it against a wall or door to show his anger/frustration. Does Logan ever do that? I'm always so worried he will hurt himself but he definitely does it on purpose. Oh joys. We also do one minute timeouts after a warning when misbehaving it is already fairly effective. You go, Momma! You are doing an awesome job! Hope we can see y'all soon.
