Monday, March 28, 2011

Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles!!

This past week Logan and I went to look at Target for some fun outside toys.  When we got there everything I mentioned he started repeating the words and I was in shock! He is finally starting to talk and make short sentences! 2 things he kept repeating in Target was bubbles and beach ball, so what did we walk out of Target with, just that a bubble machine & sprinkler beach ball! 

When Logan asks for bubbles though, he says, "Bubbles, BuBbLeS, BUBBLES!!!" Never just once, but 3 times! 

He loved "dunking" and then running after the bubbles with his finger to pop them! 

This may be the best purchase for the summer.  He loved how it sprayed water and he could roll it and run around it! 

Father/Son March Madness Moment.... 

Much love, 
The Weathers

1 comment:

  1. Sorry friend I am so behind in reading any blogs so I am just catchin up on yours tonight! Logan and Ryan would be best buds bc he LOVES bubbles! We also almost bought that ball thing yesterday at the store bc for $5 it seemed like a great deal. I'm glad you tried it out so now I know for this summer!
