Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Splish Splashin....

I know a lot of pool pictures here, I just never want to forget how fun my little man is right now! 
So full of life and energy! 

"Look Mom, I can jump high!!"


Look at that height...

hmm.. what to do next..

"Look Dad, an airplane!!!" 

I'm so ANGRY!!!! 
(Upset from the water up the nose picture before!)


We are having so much fun in this wonderful HOT weather!! 
Thank goodness for kid pools and toys! 
I can tell this will be a familiar scene for our family!! :) 

Much love, 
The Weathers


  1. What a cutie! Does he have a temper too?? Ryan sure does and over something just like that, that didn't go his way and just makes him frustrated! lol We really do need to get these two together sometime soon. Ryan loves trying to "jump" but hasn't really figured it out just yet. Logan is such a big boy now! Hard to believe he will be 2 at the end of the summer!!

  2. hey girl! Can you email me so that I can have your email? I need to send you the blog invite.
    ashjohnson611@yahoo.com.........thanks! BTW...Logan is PRECIOUSSSS!
