Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pickin' Blueberries & "Edom"

On Saturday morning we decided to head out to Edom (about 30-40 minutes away) to pick blueberries with our sweet neighbor Lora & her little girl Tessa & one of our best friends from college Megan.  Poor Megan every time she comes to visit we always keep her up late & make her wake up early! But, it was far worth the YUMMY dessert we got out of it Saturday evening! 

The kids when we first got there... 
Not sure they look so happy here, Ha!! 

Logan after getting his bucket to pick blueberries! 

Logan and I (35.5 weeks) heading out in the H.O.T.T. weather...
Note to self: next year going in June & at 7am.

The kids doing such a good job picking the blueberries...

Logan & Daddy finding some good ones!

I promise that's not sweat on him... we kept him cool with lots of water. 
Sweet friends holding hands as they walked! 

Yep, we even snuck a few to eat while we were there. 

After we were done picking.. getting a really nice cold drink to cool us down! 

Sharing a snack. 

Logan man... 

We had such a fun time and even ate at a little bakery on the way out. 
Logan is in LOVE with blueberries right now, so I guess I better find some good recipes for some fun things to make!! :) 

Much love, 
The Weathers

1 comment:

  1. You are such a beautiful pregnant lady! Love the photos! May I suggest blueberry pancakes, homemade blueberry muffins, and adding blueberries to a salad? ;) Enjoy!!
