Saturday, March 17, 2012

7 Months & 2.5 years

7 Months
March 8, 2012

Our boys are growing up SO fast! 
I decided to do a double post on the boys, I really REALLY enjoy doing the monthly updates to look back on and since Logan has turned 2 I have missed doing that for him.  With that being said I will do a 1/2 year post! 
First on the little man.... 

At 7 Months you are:

*Weight: 18lbs 5oz
*Height: ??
*Blue eyes 
*No teeth; chewing EVERYTHING
*Diaper: Size 3
*Shoe: Size 3-4 
*Nursing: 5 times a day (530-730a, 1130a, 230p, 5p, 8p)
*Eating: 2 times a day (Breakfast @ 830a & Dinner @ 530p-6p)
*LOVING FOODS--haven't found one you don't like yet, but your not too keen on fruits
*Working on your pincher grasp with puffs & veggies such as peas, carrots, potatoes, and green beans, you make about 50% in your mouth ;) but, you also love the challenge and work SO hard! 
*ALMOST crawling
*You have learned to get on your knees very successfully and almost standing all by yourself. 
*Extremely active
*Sleeping: 8p on the dot- 530-730a 
*Paci & Lovey are preferred for sleeping
*Still very independent sleeper, lay down, turn on side and off to sleep you go
*Goes from sitting to crawling stance easily
*Babbling--when your angry MAMAMAMAMAMA
*Favorite saying ba ba ba ba then you smile
*Still loves to motor boat
*You have a very INTENSE grip with your hands
*First ear infection in your right ear-- were still getting rid of it (Note: Amoxicillin does not work for you) which led to your first round of bad sleeping, irritability, weight loss, but NO fever. 
* New car seat --hand me down from brother! 
*First month in nursery
*LOVES to jump 
*LOVES people watching
*Very content and happy baby!! 
*First road trip with Mom & Brother to Fort Worth Zoo
*First trip to Canton 
*First ride in cart
*First time in bath without bumbo 

You continue to bring JOY to our family and you are growing so fast!! We love your smile and the happiness you radiate all the time! Your brother is ready for you to be big enough to wrestle with and run with. I think it will be an interesting match up when that time comes, but cant wait to be apart of the fun ya'll will have. Handsome we love you more than we could ever tell you! 

Much love, 
Mom, Dad, & Logan

Wow the difference a month make in the ability to take pictures.  
This was the best I could do this month. 
It was also the first time I had bought the boys matching shirts... Should never have started that... I L.O.V.E. it!! 

Sweet happy Jackson! 

Logan 2.5 Years

At 2.5 years you are:
*Weight: 33lbs 
*Height: 37-38 inches
*Shoe: 9-11
*Completely potty trained
*Eat 3 meals a day with occasional snack
*Eat the same things over and over:  waffles, apple jacks, french toast, muffins, cucumbers, pretzels, grilled cheese, peanut butter sandwich, peanut butter crackers, bagels, cheese crackers, mac n cheese, cornbread, yogurt, ANY fruit, ANY bread, ANY dessert
*Taken a hiatus on nap taking, now have a "rest period" and occasionally you will take a nap- 1-1.5hrs
*Sleep: 8-830p-730a
*Still have paci-- only for night time and it's the next thing to go
*FIRST: Learned to ride a bike with training wheels and is AWESOME at it! 
* FIRST real fishing , learned how to cast a fishing pole
*Love to paint, color, craft, puzzles, and cook with Mom
* LOVE to play in the dirt, run, climb, play with pups, jump, and sword fight anything in your way
* Learning alot about discipline and obedience-- ask him about it ;)
*Sad spoon has been very effective
*Very focused & aware of details 
*Counts to 15
*Knows all letters and sounds 
*Praying at meals & bedtime (sweetest thing)
*Knows all family members names & friends
* Favorite shows: Chuggington, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 
*We have started on most Friday evenings having a movie night with a Disney Movie & popcorn
*Loves school and I have been told he is quite the story teller (not fibber sense, but loves to tell stories about everything)-- His teacher told me they finally got him to each his lunch and not talk so much. Ha! 
*He has the FUNNIEST sayings lately
--Logan: Shhhhhhhhh...(puts finger over lips and looks directly at JD and I) broder is sleeping
--Oh Mom/Dad this is so much fun
--How COOL!!!
--Logan's favorite thing to say is: Mom/Dad where are we going?!? 
Logan where are we going.... as he answers where he KNOWS were going.
--What's that mean? (Logan's Why question?!)
*Loves to sing songs 

Favorite story of this week: At Walmart
Logan: Aw Mom look at that BIG truck!!! 
Me: Oh Wow, that is a big truck.  I wonder why they are at Walmart.
Logan: I don't know, let's make up an excuse?!?
Me: WHAT?! (in my head)...Ok, why do you think?
Logan: I think they are here for food.

These boys are truly a gift from God. 
We are THANKFUL DAILY for these boys and pray that the Lord has their hearts and that they may grow up to be Godly men and leaders. 


We love you boys!!!!! 
Much love, 

Mom & Dad

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